Job Interview Thank You Letters: If You Want to Be Hired, You Better Mind Your Manners! One of the cornerstones of clear communication is acknowledgment. With it, we can end a cycle of exchange while indicating that we have understood the message. Without an acknowledgment, we are never sure if our message has been received or perceived as intended. Job interview thank you letters should begin with a gracious “thank you” to the employer for their time and consideration and for the opportunity. Don’t be drab and dreary as you write. Be clear, use simple words and be real. If at all possible, tell them something specific about them or the company that really impressed you during the interview. Another important point to keep in mind is that job interview thank you letters offer you one last chance to reiterate your skills and reemphasize that you are a great fit for the role. This is where you can leave that lasting impression. Don’t just make the thank you letter all about you; it must also be about the organization you would like to work for and, specifically, what exactly you can contribute to their future growth. Find some way to say this clearly and convincingly without overdoing it. Many employers, including myself, have been impressed with a simple yet well-worded response after the job interview. You, as the interviewee, like receiving some sort of an acknowledgment or recognition after the interview. Your employer feels the same way. The competition for the job is often extremely tight and something seemingly small, like a well-articulated thank you letter, can make the difference between the job going to you or someone else. |